Streaming is heading toward a breaking point with consumers
One in Five Americans Say They Have Too Many Streaming Services
Study: Consumers Say Too Many Subscriptions, Aggregation of Streaming Services Will Improve Experience
Study: Third of SVoD subs want better discovery
Interpret study: one-third of streaming video subscribers want better discovery across all subscriptions
Interpret study: one-third of streaming video subscribers want better discovery across all subscriptions
Interpret study: one-third of streaming video subscribers want better discovery across all subscriptions Streaming video industry has opportunity to capitalize on its customers’ aggregation needs March 31, 2022, Los Angeles, CA – According to new research by Interpret, consumers are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content from streaming video providers and increasingly frustrated with the […]
Consumers demanding better content discovery
Smart Home Penetration Reaches 40 Percent in UK, Germany and Spain
Netflix starts to crack down on password sharing.
Smart Home Penetration Reaches 40% in UK, Germany, and Spain.
Interpret also found German internet service providers are the most successful at selling home networking hardware beyond a primary router, accounting for 60% of secondary router sales.